Monday, December 16, 2013


November 28, 2013
Went АШАН on an eleventh-hour shopping spree last night. ( The girl at the кассa (counter), looked different from other Russian girls as she wore a nose-ring . We had some problem with the billing. She charged more for an item and we  asked her clarification.

But she wasn't replying anything and was just showing gestures. And I got irritated with anger written on my face..Her superwiser came to her rescue; he said she is a deaf and dumb girl. I was shocked! More for not understading her disabilty.  She did correct the bill gracefully. When I looked back as we were leaving the counter she was saying APOLOGY WITH HER BEAUTIFUL EYES... May God Bless that Girl whom God might have bestowed with some other noble sense; I belive she has...

പേരറിയാത്ത ഊരറിയാത്ത ഊമപെണ്‍കിടാവേ 
അതികപ്രസംഗികൾതിങ്ങുമീ യവനിയിൽ അതികപറ്റല്ലെന്നറിഞ്ഞു കൊൾക.