Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Role of Yoga in Covid19

 According to WHO major complications of Covid19 are pneumonia and airway obstructions which also account for majority of fatalities reported. 

Here we will see a yogic technique of pranayama to improve our overall health related with breathing. 

In philosophical and spiritual terms pranayama helps an aspirant of yoga to improve his field of prana, which in medical parlance can be correlated with our immune system.

In simple terms it help us to breathe better and live longer.

Kapalabhathi is a technique in yoga which emphasize on forced exhalations, this is mainly a forced expiration using abdominal muscles followed by passive inhalation. 

How does Kapalabhati work?

Most pranayama practices help to improve our vital capacity (the maximum air that one can exhale after a full inhalation) but this does not guarantee us good gas exchange due to some physiological factors, especially in obstructive lung diseases. In many cases of Covid19 it is found that dead space volume (air that does not take part in gas exchange) remains high which in normal circumstances humidifies the air within lungs and improve the quality of airway mucus, but in obstructive airway diseases like pneumonia it poses a huge risk of less ventilation and perfusion (blood flow through vessels) thereby compromising oxygen supply and elimination of carbon dioxide and subsequent accumulation of excess mucus which may prove fatal.

Kapalabhathi is one practice that can prevent accumulation of mucus thereby increasing the ventilation, gas exchange and perfusion rate, both in healthy and infected persons. It also flushes out the germ and prevent bacterial and viral load buildup inside the lungs.

Kapalabhati also has implication in nervous and endocrines systems, the impulses created by it can travel through vagus and phrenic nerves. They transmit impulses to brain and improves the functions of brain, especially the frontal lobe faculties of brain, the control panel of our personality. Interestingly the name kapalabhathi literarily means “shining skull.”

In the endocrine system kapalabhathi can alert our survival instinct by production of epinephrine and norepinephrine which help us to tide over emergency situations. Hence recommended not to overdo it also. 

These practices must be done under a qualified yoga teacher preferably under the guidance of a medical professional. Contrary to popular belief yogic practices do have side effects if practiced in wrong way, at the wrong place or done at unearthly hours. In Covid19 positive cases dryness of nasal passages and throat are sometimes seen; in such cases, kapalabhathi can increase dryness, in such situations drinking lukewarm water frequently in small quantity is advisable.

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