Friday, June 4, 2021


Kundalini yoga is gaining popularity world over; more and more people want to practice Kundalini Yoga. 

What is Kundalini and how is it different from conventional Hatha Yoga?

Hatha yoga works at the body level, or starts with body later on to mind and soul. 

On the other hand, Kundalini yoga works at astral body. Apart from our physical body we have an astral body and it is made up of nadis. Nadis are mainly tubes through which prana (life force) flows. There are some junctions of nadis where high concentration of energy converge these are called chakras

Chakras in turn are many but mainly there are seven chakras.

They lie in one line aligned one over the other starting from the base chakra or muladhara. Many texts are of the opinion that chakras lie on our sushumna or spinal cord, but thinking on a physiological perspective it will be wiser to conclude that Chakras actually lie along Vagus nerve, which innervate the parasympathetic nervous system.

Parasympathetic system helps us in digestion, relaxation, sleep and going further even helping us meditate.

But how can we stimulate or influence these charkas? We have to make use of our senses to navigate to a place where it can help us create a sixth sense.

Visual imageries like colors, geometric structures called yantras, auditory impulses like mantas, tactile sensations like massages, olfactory impulses like fumigation etc. can help us raise our kundalini which normally reside in the base chakra or Kundalini.

Constant practice is required to achieve this


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