Tuesday, November 16, 2021



How to regain sense of smell after Covid

One of the most common symptoms of Covid 19 is anosmia or potential loss of smell during the infection. It has been found that some patients are unable to regain the ability to smell well after covid recovery. This problem takes some bizarre turn when some patients have false perception like confusing the smell of perfumes with rotten or pungent smell.

At the moment there is no medication in modern medicine that can help, ‘time’ is the only cure available.

Looking through the ayurvedic point of view it has been found that Nasya therapy which is one among the panchakarmas has been found yielding encouraging results.

Contrary to popular belief nasya is not a treatment limited to clean the upper respiratory tract, it is a simple but effective treatment in many neurological conditions including hemiplegia and facial paralysis. Before the advent of antivenom treatment in snake bite nasyam had a big role in toxicology too as it is fast acting due to bypassing the alimentary canal in absorption.

Nasya with Anu taila, shat bindu or fortified ksheerabala is used for nasya. It is better to perform the nasay in a clinic or hospital as pre-nasya procedures like oil massage and sweadana are mandatory.

As an adjuvant therapy gandoosha can also be done.

Role of Yoga and Marma therapy



Massage on marma points of head

The abovу mentioned treatments has given encouraging results from various doctors in Kerala, India. Always consult an Ayurveda doctor to know more

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