Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Urinary tract infections are a common health issue that causes physical and mental trauma to the patient. Gender wise it effects females more due to some anatomical features of female urinary system. 

Mostly the infection is bacterial and rarely viral and other microbes can also invade the urinary passage; from urethra to the kidneys.

In many cases this can be treated with antibiotics but some cases the infection persists and it becomes chorionic. Ayurveda and yoga practices can help in these circumstances; it is particularly important in recurrent type of infections

Ayurveda treats by virtue of using 

1. antimicrobial herbs

2. Use of diuretics 

3. Improve immunity

4. Practice of Clinical yoga can help to alleviate the issue of urinary infection completely.  Asanas like Bhadrasana, badhakonasana, ananthasana, pavanamukthasana has been found effective in UTI

A regular intake of water is also recommended, so that there will be sufficient amount of urine output which does not allow bacterial build up within the bladder and ureter.

Other precautions are to keep hygiene especially during days of menstruation in females and during unprotected sex, rational use of public toilets and regular exercises that give movement to the pelvic area


Tuesday, December 21, 2021


 There are many mythological references to remain young (challenging the relentless attack of time and diseases which leads to old age), the classical examples being of king Yayati and Saint Chyavana; to whom the famous Chavanaprash owes its name.

Looking at a scientific and physiological viewpoint there is no return from senile to youth. What is possible is prolong the process of aging; Ayurveda does not contest this idea.

In Rasayana-Vajeekarana chapter (Geriatric and Aphrodisiac treatments) of ayurveda this is made clear. The texts say one should undergo these treatments when someone is still young or in middle aged.

The reason is simple and direct; every cell in our body has a predetermined lifespan; whether it be skin cells, bone cells, blood cells and so on. Once they reach maturity the cells are killed by our system itself (apoptosis).

There are many herbs that can help our cells to live to their full potential and lifespan; this helps to delay aging. The principle behind any anti-aging therapy must be good nourishment which has plenty of antioxidants in it, vitamins and micronutrients which are necessary for the maintenance and repair of individual cells. A good practice of yoga also help to ensure good supply of blood and oxygen to every individual cells.

It is not by chance that the herbs used for internal consumption in Rasayana finds a place in hair tonics too, like the famous Indian gooseberry.




Wednesday, December 15, 2021



There is a whole specialty called Vajeekarana in Ayurveda, which is to address infertility both in men and women, to improve libido and ways to have healthy children. In classical ayurvedic text of Ashtanga Hridaya a couple without issues is compared to a tree without fruits or seeds! 

In this chapter of Ashtanga Hridaya treads more on the materialistic path where it deals with treatments and methods to improve libido and sexual vigor. This is an aberration of Ayurvedic ethical code of conduct (sadvrithas)

This might have crept in to ayurveda to satisfy the needs of Kings and Nobles who were the patrons of Ayurveda during ancient times.

It is recommended to undergo a panchakarma cleansing procedure before undergoing Rasayana-Vajeekarana treatments (Geriatric and Aphrodisiac treatments)

Ayurveda reccomends when to indulge in sex according to season; rarely in summer, sometimes in spring & autumn and anytime in winter without restrictions. 

Even though yogic practices totally urges us to desist from sexual acts at the higher level of yoga, some asanas, pranayama and kundali yoga practice can increase libido and vigor and also has found effective in certain sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Best way to find out whether you are obese is to check your BMI. BMI (body mass index) Normally a BMI of 18.5 - 24.9 is considered ideal. In simple terms BMI is a ratio of our weight and height. To start with at home, you can try a combination of treadmill workouts plus indoor cycling on stationary bikes. Food has a major role in making us obese. The choice of food depends on your intake, whether you are a vegetarian or non-vegetarian, age and sex.

 There is a misconception among some that vegetarian food will not gain pounds, which is wrong. Any food rich in calories will adds to ones weight if those calories are not burned properly. Even carbohydrates which normally is used by the body for energy-giving can be converted into fat. More carbohydrates in the system stimulate insulin production, which increases production of fats and inhibits their cellular uptake. So eat foods like 'channa' (bengal gram or Cicer arietinum also garbanz) which has a low cellular uptake will help you. Look for similar food items which has low-gycemic index. 

Look for causes, overweight or obesity could be due to


·        Side effects of drugs/medicines

·        Dietary abuse

·        Poor physical exercise

·        Oversleeping

·        Hormonal /menopausal

·        Side effects of diseases and intake of medicines like steroids


·        Removal of  causes

·        Eat food that are less in glycemic index

·        Regular exercise

·        Sleep early, get up early

·        Do not mix proteins and fat in equal proportion (1:1)

·        Intake of decoctions that reduce weight

·        Diet suitable for kapha-type personalities

·        Ayurvedic diabetic therapy

·        Atkins Diet

there are some specific treatments in ayurveda like powder massages to reduce body weight