There are many mythological references to remain young (challenging the relentless attack of time and diseases which leads to old age), the classical examples being of king Yayati and Saint Chyavana; to whom the famous Chavanaprash owes its name.
Looking at
a scientific and physiological viewpoint there is no return from senile to youth.
What is possible is prolong the process of aging; Ayurveda does not contest this
In Rasayana-Vajeekarana
chapter (Geriatric and Aphrodisiac treatments) of ayurveda this is made clear.
The texts say one should undergo these treatments when someone is still young
or in middle aged.
The reason
is simple and direct; every cell in our body has a predetermined lifespan; whether
it be skin cells, bone cells, blood cells and so on. Once they reach maturity the
cells are killed by our system itself (apoptosis).
There are
many herbs that can help our cells to live to their full potential and lifespan;
this helps to delay aging. The principle behind any anti-aging therapy must be
good nourishment which has plenty of antioxidants in it, vitamins and micronutrients
which are necessary for the maintenance and repair of individual cells. A good practice of yoga also help to ensure good supply of blood and oxygen to every individual cells.
It is not by
chance that the herbs used for internal consumption in Rasayana finds a place in hair
tonics too, like the famous Indian gooseberry.
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