In 1940s Soviet Union was attacked from both fronts by Japan and Germany simultaneously, though Japanse were pushed aside by Soviets easily Germany's blitzkrieg (lightning attack) was more than a match for the Red Army and they suffered the greatest casuality in the the history of mankind were 22 million people died though they ended up victorious.
Germans were in possession of superior fire power thanks to semi-automatic weapons like Gewehr 41. Among the wounded Red army was a tank driver-cum-mechanic named Mihhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov and was witness to the horror of German firepower which clearly put the Soviets in backfoot for long. This inspired him to invent the best known assault rifle ever what is popularly known as AK 47.
Does history repeat itself? When I commute thru the streets of Moscow I see a new invation to this never ending land. The higways and bylines are invaded by an avalanche of cars from Germany and Japan and very few Russian cars like Lada and Volga. It seems only oil and natual gas flow from this country to counter this 'industrial offensive.'
Like the iconic Kalashnikov will there be a Russian car that can match the German and Japanese and rule Moscow streets once again?
When Indian economy was opened to the world in early 1990s many sckeptics said that our industries are doomed, but Tatas and Mahidras proved the critics wrong by performing better by competing with the German and Japanese auto giants. Russians you need to learn a lesson or two from Indians.
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