Monday, May 17, 2021


Cows Urine (Gomutra) has been used in India from time immammorial both as medicine and manure. Gomutra is used as such or in prepared medications like pancha-gavya . It is used in panchakarma therapy like vasti, which is an important ayurvedic treatment in diseases like arthritis. It has been found effective in many diseases like skin diseases, liver-kidney disorders, anemia, gout and cancer (claimed by some fold vaidyas)

But a care should be taken in the selection of urine as farm-fed cattle is being fed with fodder with poor quality nutrition and there are chances 

Cow's that fed natural grass by free roaming is the best one, some conditions pregnant cow's urine is selected as it contains additonal hormones that has more medicinal value. Urine must be collected early in the morning, preferably the first urine and must be preserved before it turns stale.

Cow's urine is also used for mixing many ayurvedic herbs in the preparation of pills. 

However the cow's urine is more used as fertilizer along with cowdung and also for making organic pesticides


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