Tuesday, May 11, 2021


 How much water to drink varies from person to person depending on our body weight, nature of job and climatic conditions. 

Modern medical scientists also differ in this, as a generally accepted rule anywhere between 2 liter to 4 four liters is accepted, for a man weighing 70kilos. Coming to Ayurveda it also take into account of your prakriti physiological humour.

In simple words if you are pitta or fire type  person you need to drink more because fire-type  persons sweat more and dehydration rate is higher than kapha (earth) and vata (wind elements)

When to take water.

If you want to do slimming you can drink water before you take your meals, and if you want to gain weight drink water only after you have eaten all the solid food.

In you want to keep status-quo drink water in smaller quantiles at frequent intervals.

Cold or Warm Water: Always drink warm or lukewarm water if you have eaten any far rich meal. Cold drinks can definitely dampen your 'agni' or digestive fire.

Climate Wise: In humid hot conditions it goes without saying that we needs to drink more, but hot dry spells can sometimes mask our water requirement as sweat is not apparently visible.


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