Tuesday, January 25, 2022




One of the basic principles of ayurveda treatment is ‘removal of causative factor’ (Nidana Parivarjana), to understand this in a patient ayurvedic doctor needs a detail history of patient’s illness. More so because mostly patients with chronic (long duration) illnesses seek ayurveda doctor’s help.

So don’t be surprised if an ayurvedic doctor asks your present complaints, followed by history of current illness.

Furthermore, doctor will ask for any past illness which might appear irrelevant in some context, this is to rule out possible connection with your current illness.

In the case of a woman a gynecological history may also be asked; like menarche, pregnancy and delivery (like C-section) and about menopausal details if situation warranted


In diseases like diabetes, hypertension, vascular diseases, cancer family history is also relevant.

In stress related and psychosomatic illnesses a social history and personal history are also important which might include questions regarding addictions, family relationships, social relations, job situations and allergies.

Questions will be asked for hospitalizations if any; furthermore, if the patient is on any modern/traditional medicines, that also will be noted down.

Ayurvedic doctors also use lab reports and fluorographic reports to understand health condition better and to rule out some diseases; and to reach a differential diagnosis

Apart from these universally accepted methods, ayurveda has some unique way of diagnosis which include determination of ‘prakruti (nature) and vikriti.’(pathology)

According to Ayurvedic physiology there are there (mainly) natural conditions of people called doshas. Doshas are type of people which is inborn and does not change till we die. It is called ‘prakriti’ in Sankrit which can be translated as ‘nature’ (nature of a person), they are named as Vata, Pitta and Kapha.


Second part is vikruti or pathology; this can be a temporary problem or a lifelong issue in cases like diabetes

To understand Prakriti (type) the doctor looks these features of patient; subjective and objective data.

1.      Body type

2.      Musculature

3.      Joint condition and health

4.      Weight

5.      Eyes

6.      Skin/ Hair/nails

7.      Endurance to pain, illness

8.      Movement or body language

9.      Gait/walking mode

10.   Way of speech delivery

11.   Manners (sitting-nailbiter-restless)

12.   Sleep condition/duration

13.   Preferred climate or endurance to heat and cold or changes in weather

14.   Condition of stools (soft-hard-watery)

15.   Self esteem

16.   Likeness for fine arts-music-dance-makeup

17.   Mental abilities (decision making-study-creative skills-logical thinking)

18.   Memory

19.   Attention (attention deficient)

20.   Empathetic-sympathetic-don’t care

21.   Patient in others view

22.   Relationships with others


 To assess Vikriti (pathology) Ayurveda uses some other techniques too

It is called eight-point diagnosis tool

1.      Pulse reading (nadi)

2.      Urine

3.      Feaces

4.      Tongue

5.      Voice

6.      Skin texture

7.      Eyes

8.      Body type (skinny-medium-obese)


Health Condition according yoga (only in patients with prior knowledge of yoga)

1.      Physical Body

2.      Pranic body

3.      Mental body

4.      Intellectual body

5.      Spiritual body



Both prakriti and vikriti (pathology) are important in reaching final diagnosis



1.      Intake of medicines-(mostly in acute/new diseases)

2.      Procedures at our clinic

3.      Panchakarma or detoxification procedures- Are advised both in illness (chronic illnesses) and those who are healthy who wishes to do rasayana therapy

4.      Clinical Yoga therapy

5.      Diet chart based on prakruti (type) and vikruti (pathology). During intake of certain medicines there will be restriction on certain foods and activities.




1.      Arthritis

2.      Backpain

3.      Diabetes

4.      Chronic Respiratory Problems

5.      Hypertension and stress related insomnia

6.      Skin diseases-Allergies

7.      Urinary tract infections and Calculi

8.      Anorectal diseases

9.      Rasayana (Immunity boosting)

10.   Infertility

11.   Gynecological issues, PCOD, irregular menstruation, scanty menstruation

12.   Methods to improve libido





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