Monday, January 31, 2022


Bollywood has always been the flagship of India in rest of the world; in the recent times Yoga was in the limelight. Flying on the wings of yoga came Ayurveda. Now these Sanskrit words have become synonymous with Indian ‘soft powers.’

People wanted to venture into new avenues of hidden knowledge; they started probing deeper into Yoga and Ayurveda. Twenty years ago, westerners flocked India and Sri Lanka to experience ayurveda for the first time. Most of them thought it was another type of massage akin to Thai or Swedish massage. Some of them navigated deeper and realized that massage is just the tip of the iceberg. This is why cleansing or detoxification methods like panchakarma became so popular today. Increase in consumption of ghee and/or coconut/oil in the western countries is a direct index of these changes.

So is yoga; many branches have emerged, apart from the most popular Hatha yoga practices (conquering mind by stabilizing body), Kundalini-Chakra yoga is also getting popular. Going a step further few are trying to unlock the mystery of Tantra-Yoga; because of its seemingly unlimited  and unlicensed use of senses in attaining super consciousness; like ‘Sex to Superconscious.’ 

Classical yoga consider sensual subjects and irrational use of sense organs are obstructions in attaining the final goal of yoga; self-realization.

Kundalini and Tantra-Yoga use these senses to realize the unlimited bliss (Ananda) which is the core of our self in yogic parlance.

Ananda is a blissful state of pleasure by which one experience a well-being of unlimited nature; one can experience a state of positive hallucination without the use of narcotic. Likewise, one feels the same sense of inebriated condition without the consumption of alcohol thereby reducing the risks of hangovers and liver damage.

Kundalini yoga uses these techniques

1.     Visual ignition of our inner sense by using different colors        nd geometric symbols (Yantras) .

2.     Hearing some syllables of sound in clear pattern; starting with a semi-vowel and ending in a nasal sound. (Like Om or Aum, Lam, Vam etc. We call it beeja mantras  (seed mantras)

3.     Later reciting these mantras by himself/herself

4.     Using smells like incenses or smoking spices (In spirituality it is believed that they keep away the evil spirits.

5.     Massages done on vital points or marmas and chakras (mega-marmas are called Chakras)

6.     In Tantra courtship between two lovers who are in perfect reciprocity at all levels of courtship; can be platonic love and/or sexual intercourse.



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