Saturday, February 12, 2022


Most of us wants to live in Megapolis. Trends from all over the world shows that city population is steadily increasing regardless of continent one lives. From Sub-Saharan Africa to the Tundras of Arctic Russia. Everyone wants to migrate to Moscow or Peters.

 In city life we are constantly bombarded by stress inducing ammunition. Normally stress subsides itself by rest, relaxation and sleep. Weekly off days and yearly vacations also help us to rejuvenate our body and mind.

But sometimes these natural pacifiers are not enough. As stress accumulates inside it creates something called psychic or psychological toxins which in turn effects our mental health and some even becomes somatic (physical) problems.

The Indian philosophy of yoga has become so popular in the west because it has given a vent to get rid of these accumulated psychological toxins. Mostly they rely on the hatha yoga practice (Stabilize your mind to stabilize your mind). But physical practice is not possible for everyone.

This is where the dhyana (meditation) mentioned in yoga becomes so relevant. But first condition for meditation is concentration (dharana in yoga).

For a stressed person it is hard to concentrate, then how can he meditate?

Here is where Yoga Nidra comes into play. If a doctor, teacher or a guru can guide you by his commands most of us are able to meditate. And what does meditation do for our body and mind? It navigates us to our inner self or subconscious mind. Subconscious mind is so powerful that conscious mind and if we are able to give commands to it (By ourselves) we can heal many of our problems including stress, stress-induced hypertension, stress-induced insomnia and so on. We can even get rid of some physical problems like backaches of unknow etiology. (not possible in issues like back pain due to bulged or herniated disks or any anomaly in anatomy of our back)

Same techniques of yoga does not suit for all, as humans are heterogenous, we need different methods to reach our subconscious mind. We in Yoga use different methods like visualization, auditory impulses, concentrating on geometric symbols (yantra) and balancing postures of Hatha yoga practice.

Sometimes we can even use our faith in god to communicate to our inner self. As per yoga within our core, there is a section called “Aananda” or ultimate bliss, if one discovers this bliss inside you there is no pain nor pleasure!



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